Friday, 24 June 2011

Got back ridiculously late (or early depending upon your view-2am!!) from KOL gig at hyde park last night, so woke up super late today. By the time i got down to the yard it was pretty busy, lots of kids exercising ponies so was pretty tricky to do anything much, and found myself riding around aimlessly trying to dodge kids charging about. was quite frustrating as wanted to have another bash at was i was doing on Tues, and try some schooling exercises i read about in a book, for straightness, to practice getting into corners properly, and to see if i could figure out my canter/20m circle issues. Guess will have to try and get down a bit earlier on fridays. Never mind, still was nice to be down there and had lots of cuddles, and he looked pretty pleased to see me! love that he is starting to gt to know me now :)

Piccies of Rani after he had a bath on tues (he was very not amused!) although this could have been more to do with the pink headcollar! :)

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