Sunday, 3 July 2011


I was super sore when i got up this morning-proof that ive been using my tummy muscles to ride then!

Had a bit of a play in the school today, lots of turns and direct tranisitons, then did the 'five and five' exercise i read about in a book. on a big circle, do 5 strides of walk, then 5 strides of canter, then 5 of walk etc etc and repeat it until the horse is anticipating the transition, so he becomes really engaged. then chose random amounts of strides to keep his attention. we ended up doing 10 and 10, as still find it quite hard to go from canter to walk, and it was getting tight. also on the right rein he found it harder, as stiffer this way anyway, so was easier to make it 10.  got some really good turns as well, really using his hind quatres and pivoting, so dead pleased today. now having issue when doing halt-trot in that he is getting wound up and walking backwards, as opposed to halting.

he was a little bugger when i tried to walk down the lane to cool him off though!was really napping and trying to get back to his stable, struggle d to get him off the yard, he was rearing and spinning and being a right git! i think it was naughtiness, as opossed to being scared of something, like he was yesterday-he loosk at everything when we go down the lane to the other school, but never been like this before. like a totally different horse.

so thats something to work on cos i wanna hack!

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