Wednesday, 25 May 2011

25/05/11: First schooling sesh on my own :)

Today was my first official day as Rani's sharer! got him in from the field, and spent ages giving him a really good groom, and lots of cuddles. He had a bit of a sulk coming in from the field, but was qwuite happy sunbathing on the yard while being poshed up!

So, just kept it quite simple today and had a bit of a play in the school. let him have a good stretch out in walk/trot on a long rein to start, and gradually picked up the contact, then lots of walk.trot/halt transitions, changes of rein and 20m circles. had a canter, and got him going forwards, i think hes a bit on the forehand, and leans a lot on my hands, so need to think of ways to work through that. did a few school figures- shallow loops, 3 loop serpentines, 10m circles, and had a lay with leg yielding, then took my stirrups away for a bit of a trot. Felt a bit all over the place today, but hopefully will start to feel better and more secure as i ride more often. with my last pony, Alfie, i didnt really do much in the way of school riding with him...bought him as a four year old, and backed him 6 months later, so he was almost 5. but was just doing v basic things with him, so my mind has gone a bit blank about schooling, so need a bit of inspirartion, and some goals to work towards. Hopefully on Friday, when im down next i can hack him, apparantly he can be a bit 'interesting' out, so one of the instructors is going to come with me the first time, and that way i can see the routes as well, as i have zero sense of direction!

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