Saturday, 28 May 2011


Good lesson today. Lots of work within paces-shortening/lengthening down short/long sides of school. actually just getting him to move was effort! he felt really laggy today, but he'd been out in a lesson earlier in  the morning. had a little jump at the end, cross pole, which he mocked and just tried to trot over, so we wacked it up a bit and he refused once, as not enough leg, and then went over really well after that.

And now back to more revision funtimes! sometimes i wish i could have just stayed a working pupil forever!

things to work on in week... playing about with strides. try and shorten/lengthen and get big energetic trot so he comes from leg into hands. same in canter, count strides down long side of school, then try and do more/less.

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